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Well This Sucks
September 20, 2020
I treat eating pancakes on patios like it’s a personality trait.
Brunch is my jam. I like the beach, shopping, carbs, and reading naughty books on the train during my commute. I wear pink. Lots of it. If Tinder were an olympic sport, I’d take home the gold. I can rock stilettos like they’re a pair of Nike joggers. I’m basically basic.
I’m in the prime of my life. I’ve got my dream job as the head of marketing, and I’ve been steadily dating myself for the better half of the last decade. I’m thirty, flirty, and thriving.
Or at least I was, until some jerk had the audacity to turn me into a vampire.
I don’t do blood and doom and gloom. I sure as hell don’t like sleeping in a coffin, avoiding garlic bread, and these ridiculous vamp politics. And don’t get me started on Diego. He’s vampire royalty and a pain in my butt. A very sexy pain in the butt. When he’s not driving me crazy with all his rules, he’s turning my panties into Niagara falls.
I absolutely refuse to live the rest of my immortal life in some wannabe nineties grunge music video.
June 24, 2020
Two boys.
One tragedy.
Grief bonds us.
The mystery of this murder will break us.
My best friend was brutally ripped from this world, but her brother and boyfriend are still here.
One of them wants to use me.
The other wants to forget me.
Both of them make me feel alive.
We’ll find Violet’s murderer, no matter the cost.
Two boys.
One tragedy.
Grief bonds us.
Love will tear us apart.

Looking to Score
April 30, 2020
He’s, like, literally the worst.
Oakley Davis is the star running back at our university—and the reason I’ve broken my vow to avoid the college party scene. Thanks to a mix-up with my advisor, I’m now serving my Public Relations internship as a glorified babysitter to the party-hard football players.
Specifically, Oakley.
He’s impossible to manage. His Instagram is full of pictures of him half-naked and drunk, and he’d rather attend parties than practice. His brand needs some serious work, and when he’s not driving me insane, he’s sleeping his way through the entire female population.
But I’m determined. I have plans to graduate a semester early, and nothing or no one will get in my way. I’m a Virgo, after all. Oakley Davis might be a privileged, cocky football star, but I’m Amanda Matthews, and I’ll do whatever it takes to get my A.
I just have to make sure I don’t end up falling in love with the idiot, first.